
“Life With Breath” is a journey in discovering the mind-body relationship that is linked through breath and how this serves as a basis for reducing stress, improving health and well-being, building resilience, improving performance AND transforming negative habitual patterns of behavior. Specifically, yoga breathing. Traditionally called, Pranayama.Breathing rates and patterns are influencing our biochemistry, biomechanics, physiology & psychology. In the yoga tradition, breath regulation (or pranayama) is the tool by which we “yoke” or unite the body with the mind. This unity between the body and mind create a state of coherence whereby thoughts and emotions are balanced. When in a coherent state, the body is in a place of homeostasis. With some basic knowledge of our body and mind’s hardware and software, we can begin to retain the body and mind back to its’ natural state.As Dr. Andrew Weil says, “Improper breathing is a common cause of ill health." Dysfunctional breathing patters and rates have become problematic for both child and adults and can be linked to many chronic illness and stress-related illnesses. A Life With Breath provides the reader with an explanation on why's and how's yoga breathing is so essential to our health and well-being.


Today’s executive is moving through life at such a rapid unconscious fast pace with distractions, commitments, deadlines and pressures that leave us feeling as if we can’t keep up. In fact, one might say, drowning out of water, or feeling out of breath! This hurried state-of-being has turned on a part of our physiology that was designed for emergencies only, the Stress Response. We can’t always destress with just our mental mind. For many, the Stress Response system has been running for so long, it won’t turn off. It’s been trained to run on auto-pilot exhibiting a type of implicit memory that organizes perception, feelings, and behavior into patterned mental models and behavior based in only human survival. Not only is this problematic for the individual themselves, management stress is often transferred to the employees. Quite simply, it's contagious!In today’s hectic environment, we’re seeing the result of diminished cognitive abilities and a great deal of trouble exercising self-control. People often make choices that bear a mixed relationship to their own preferences moving moment-by-moment in an unconscious state of being. In BodyMindBusiness, we introduce a “body OVER mind” psychology that removes the mental traps and barriers limiting performance and productivity while still ensuring one’s health and well-being. In BodyMindBusiness, we’re going to learn how to live in a “body OVER mind” environment biohacking the body’s natural intelligence into a state of heart-brain coherence to overpower the our monkey mind that’s too often running the show.